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Capacity Building

Capacity building is valuable and important because of its many long-term impacts. GARNET provides training services to its member institution to enable them to improve on their campus network and efficiently utilize the services offered by GARNET. We have developed a training model that is effective in building skills for member institution’s systems and network administrators, and for building the capacity of GARNET technical Staff and ICT Managers.

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GARNET provides broadband internet services by connecting member institutions to national and global internet. We provide members with a secure, fast, reliable, and dedicated internet connection that promotes research, education, innovation, and collaboration among institutions and helps them accomplish their educational and research mandates. Our members have access to a high-speed internet connection that is dedicated to education and research. Researchers and educators can transfer larger data sets per day between campuses in support of their research, as well as access grid computing infrastructures and high-performance computers.


GARNET facilitates education services in members institutions as a key strategic theme geared towards providing value addition to the education sector. In this respect, the role of GARNET will be to fund-raise through grant proposals to support capacity building and local educational content development programmes for universities, tertiary institutions and schools.
GARNET supports the deployment of educational roaming service (eduroam). This service is based on the most secure encryption and authentication standards in existence today and operates on the basis of trust relationships between members of the Global Research and Education Community. Its security by far exceeds typical commercial hotspots.